Friday, July 29, 2022

3 Secrets to know Before Claiming GST Refund in Export Services

 Are you in Export Services & you don’t know if you can claim GST Refund or not?

Well, in this video, I have shared 3 critical #factors that you should know 👇

Sunday, July 24, 2022

5 Mistakes to Avoid while Filing ITR

 Mistakes in ITR… 

Are you sure, you have not done any #mistake while filing ITR?

I have seen most of the people end up with numerous tax filing mistakes.

To save you from the #hassle of ITR Filing

I have created this video on 5 Common #Mistakes you should avoid.

Keep these in mind & prevent yourself from penalties

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Income Tax Return Filing Last Date | 3 Penalties If Due date Missed?

In this video, I have Shared what are those 3 Penalties that you have to bear If you miss the Due Date of Filing Income Tax Return

I am CA Manish Gupta, and my mission is to helping set up businesses hassle-free.

In this channel, I will try to cover the topics like setting up business in India, international Taxation & advisory, and other valuable content.

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In this Channel, you will get to know about

what are those 3 Penalties that you have to bear If you miss the Due Date of Filing Income Tax Return, Myth on the Formation of a Company, Company Formation, the simple tips & tricks on Setup your Business Hassle-Free in India, how to register a company in India, how to register your business in India, how to register a startup,  how to register a business, India, startup, entrepreneurship, startup India, how to start a business, how to start a startup, things to keep in mind when starting a business, register a business, register a company in India, partnership firm, limited liability partnership, a proprietorship firm, private limited company, startup 101, startup basics, business taxation, gst services, how to save tax, tax saving tips, tax saving, save tax, income tax, tax planning, how to save tax in India, legal ways to save tax, Small Business Explained, Legally in India, tax, save, tax India, business tax, tax business, tax deductions for small business, incorporation of company, formation of a company in company law, procedure of incorporation of a company, incorporation or registration of a company, formation of company under companies act 2013,incorporation of a company in company law, setting up business in india by foreign companies, laws for foreign companies in India, starting a business in india for foreigners, 

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Foreign Company Registration

 Foreign company means a company or a body corporate incorporated outside India which—

-is having a place of business in India whether by itself or through an agent, physically or through electronic mode; and

- is conducting any business activity in India in any other manner.

After establishing a place of business in India, for the purpose of its registration, a foreign company is required to file form (FC-1) with the registrar (within 30 days) and deliver to registrar certain documents-

a) its charter documents (in English);

b) address of the registered/principal office of the company;

c) a list of all the directors and secretaries;

d) the name(s) and address(es) of the person(s) resident in India and authorised to receive all notices or other documents on behalf of the company;

e) address of the place of business in India;

f) details of opening and closing of a place of business in India on an earlier occasion(s);

g) declaration that no director of the company or the authorised representative in India has ever been or is convicted or debarred from forming the companies and management in India or abroad; and

h) any other details

On successful filing of this form, a Foreign Company Registration Number will be generated, and a certificate of registration will be given to the company.

If any alteration is being made in the documents mentioned above, company must intimate about the changes to Registrar within 30 days of such changes being made. This intimation is to be made by filing Form FC-2.

Financial statements of Indian business carried on by a foreign company shall be prepared in accordance with Schedule III, and other documents shall be attached as prescribed under the rules applicable and delivered within six months from the end of the financial year. The registrar may extend this period of six months for a period not exceeding three months. These statements are filed in Form FC-3.

The company's accounts relating to Indian business shall be audited by practising chartered accountant or a firm/LLP of practising chartered accountants.

Along with the financial statements, the company is also required to provide details about all its places where it is conducting business in India as on the date of the balance sheet in Form FC-3

The annual return shall be filed within sixty days from last day of financial year to registrar in Form FC-4.